The Artificial Muse - an Inspirational AI
The idea is to develop a new tool, an "instrument", like a new generation of brush, seamlessly integrated into Lipski's studio environment, his daily work. The current prototype consists of different data sets and models (Lipski's current works + his old works + the innumerable images of the muse of recent years + specifically selected pictorial material to learn forms, structures, colors) as well as the option of using video input as material. All these components - similar to a modular system in music production - are interconnectable to form (feedback) loops and pipelines.
Lipski is one of the first in the world who collaborates daily with his/an AI, to be creative together, to explore a new new. That for nearly 3 years. We have already learnt a lot and are learning new things every day. Lately, that Lipski and Muse, man and machine, begin to develop their very own language, word for word, brush stroke for brush stroke, and that even exponential times sometimes need time.
Thanks to Open Source & Community
As all good things in the field of AI our muse is based on open source technology, libraries and frameworks such as Python, Pandas, Tensor Flow or Torch incorporating concepts such as StyleTransfer, Pix2Pix or GANs.